Monday, May 17, 2010


Vocabulary Unit 15 - test on Friday before Fun Day!
  1. absorb - to soak up or take; to keep the attention of
  2. amateur - someone who does something for pleasure and not for money; someone who does not have much experience
  3. channel - the deepest part of the river; a body of water that links two large ones;a long narrow groove; a band of radio waves ; a course of action / to make a long narrow groove; to direct or focus
  4. elegant - showing beauty , high quality, and good taste
  5. grace - ease and beauty of movement; a charming or pleasing quality; a short prayer before meals / to add beauty or honor to
  6. inspect - to look over closely
  7. lame - stiff, sore, or not able to move properly; weak, not satisfactory
  8. suspend - to hang in order to allow free movement; to stop for a time, interrupt; to bar from a position or privilege
  9. tiresome - annoyingly dull or exhausting; unexciting
  10. tranquil - free from trouble or disturbance, peaceful and quiet



Numbered List

Monday, May 10, 2010


We are finished with our reader, speller, and language arts books. We are going to use our Vocab book and follow what 4th grade does with vocab for the next two weeks. Hopefully, it will prepare them for next year.
The student will be responsible for spelling the word, knowing its definition, and filling in a sentence with the word.
We have reviewed the process in class, the test will be Friday, May 14th.
The words and their definitions are:
  1. advantage - something that puts someone in a better position.
  2. ambition - a strong desire for importance or success
  3. defiant - showing strong resistance; willing to challenge or confront
  4. fearsome - frightening or alarming
  5. imply - to suggest something without saying it directly
  6. merit - a quality that deserves praise / to be worthy of deserve
  7. negotiate - to discuss in order to arrive at an agreement
  8. purify - to make clean and free of dirt or pollutants
  9. revoke - to cancel by withdrawing or reversing
  10. wretched very unhappy or unfortunate, miserable, very poor in quality

Monday, May 3, 2010

It is a busy, busy, week.

Wednesday is the Spanish festival. Please help your child stay on task with his or her schoolwork. I know we only have a few days left. Sixteen if I am counting right. But we still have a lot to do and we will be busy until the end of school. We will work until our very last day.
The story for this week is "Elena's Serenade". The words are:
  1. cloth
  2. clothes
  3. nature
  4. natural
  5. able
  6. ability
  7. mean
  8. meant
  9. deal
  10. dealt
  11. please
  12. pleasant
  13. sign
  14. signal
  15. signature
  16. equal
  17. equation
  18. equator
  19. major
  20. majority

Have a great week!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vocabulary test on Tuesday, May 3

  1. abundant- large or more than enough; plentiful
  2. barrier- something that blocks or bars movement or passage
  3. conceive- to start something; to think up or begin to understand
  4. formal- following strict rules or customs; requiring fancy clothing and fine manners
  5. inquire- to ask about
  6. penalize- to punish
  7. picturesque charming quaint
  8. predator - one that destroy or devours others; an animal that stalks and eats other animals
  9. privilege - a special right, benefit, or permission
  10. slumber- to sleep lightly; a sleep or light sleep

Monday, April 26, 2010

This week we are reading "Two Bad Ants". The words are difficult and the students will probably need a little extra practice. The words are:
  1. leadership
  2. gracefully
  3. refreshment
  4. uncomfortable
  5. overdoing
  6. remarkable
  7. carefully
  8. unbearably
  9. ownership
  10. unacceptable
  11. impossibly
  12. reappeared
  13. unprepared
  14. oncoming
  15. misbehaving
  16. outrageous
  17. incomprehensible
  18. undoubtedly
  19. independence
  20. disadvantage

Monday, April 19, 2010

Field trip Wednesday!

Don't forget our field trip to the airport is Wednesday. Please help your children remember that is it a place of business and the airport is a very serious place. The tour will be stopped for misbehavior. I am sure we will do fine, but preparing won't hurt.
Our class will be the prayer leaders on Friday at Mass. Please try to attend.
Spelling words for the week are:
  1. question
  2. creature
  3. furniture
  4. division
  5. collision
  6. action
  7. direction
  8. culture
  9. vacation
  10. mansion
  11. fiction
  12. feature
  13. sculpture
  14. vision
  15. celebration
  16. fascination
  17. legislature
  18. manufacture
  19. possession
  20. declaration

Monday, April 12, 2010

Busy, Busy, week!

Tuesday- PTO Meeting, bookfair and Art show - 7:00
Thursday is the Psalty play. I can't wait to see what the book is up to now.
Next week is our field trip to the Airport and mass.
The spelling words for Happy Birthday, Mr. Kang are:
  1. above
  2. another
  3. upon
  4. animal
  5. paper
  6. open
  7. family
  8. travel
  9. afraid
  10. nickel
  11. sugar
  12. circus
  13. item
  14. gallon
  15. melon
  16. character
  17. cardinal
  18. Oregon
  19. particular
  20. dinosaur

Thursday, April 8, 2010


  1. admirable - deserving of praise.
  2. automatic - done without thought or will; done by machine, not by a human
  3. devotion - loyalty and affection
  4. distant - far away; not friendly
  5. dreary gloomy or dismal; without cheer, comfort, or enthusiasm
  6. exhaust- to use up; to wear out; - the escape of gas from an engine
  7. kindle - to get a fire going; to stir up or to start something
  8. predict - to guess what is going to happen
  9. separation - the act or condition of being apart
  10. stunt - to stop or slow down the growth of

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spelling words for "The Story of the Statue of Liberty"

  1. few
  2. school
  3. true
  4. goose
  5. fruit
  6. cookie
  7. cushion
  8. noodle
  9. bookmark
  10. balloon
  11. suit
  12. chew
  13. glue
  14. Tuesday
  15. bushel
  16. bamboo
  17. mildew
  18. soothe
  19. barefoot
  20. renewal

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


1. arch - a curved structure that serves as an opening and as a support. to form a curve. main, playful, mischievous.
2. authentic - being the real thing; worthy of belief, true.
3. clarity- to say clearly or make easier to understand.
4. declare- to state strongly; to make a formal or informal statement.
5. grant - to permit or allow; to admit that something is true.
6. grave - a hole in the ground where something is buried. Very important and requiring much attention; serious.
7. modest - not thinking to highly of oneself, not boastful; proper in speech, dress, or behavior, not extreme or large.
8. opponent - someone who is set against another, as in a contest, game, arguments or fight.
9. valid - supported by facts or evidence, true.
10. yearn - to long for.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Tulsa fair grounds barns
Listen and learn
Learning how milk becomes cheese
Candid shot
What pretty girls! Listening to the facts about cotton.
The milking station
What a great day!

Monday, March 29, 2010


The story for the week is "Me and Uncle Romie". The spelling words contain the suffixes: -y, -ish, -hood, and -ment. The words are:

  1. rocky
  2. foolish
  3. rainy
  4. childhood
  5. selfish
  6. treatment
  7. movement
  8. neighborhood
  9. childish
  10. parenthood
  11. crunchy
  12. bumpy
  13. payment
  14. sleepy
  15. shipment
  16. assignment
  17. livelihood
  18. stylish
  19. environment
  20. guilty

Friday, March 26, 2010

Vocabulary unit 10

  1. audible- capable of being heard
  2. consume- to eat or drink, especially in large amounts; to use up; to destroy
  3. glide- to move smoothly and easily
  4. origin- the cause or beginning
  5. prevent- to stop from happening
  6. punctuate- to mark printed or written materials with periods, commas, and other sign; to interrupt from time to time; to give importance to
  7. representative- a typical example; someone who acts for another
  8. scorn- a feeling that something or someone is worthless or inferior; an expression of that feeling.
  9. stout- large and heavy in build; physically strong and sturdy;having courage or determination
  10. woe- great sorrow or suffering


Monday, March 22, 2010

I hope you had a great Spring Break. Hopefully, the snow is done for the year!

The spelling words for "Jalapeno Bagels" contain the vowel sound found in the word ball. The words are:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

spelling words - " Goodbye 382, Ding, Dang, Dong"

Words for this week are:
small, almost, always, because, straw, drawn, also, author, false, already, flaw, sausage, applause, walnut, lawn, awesome, altogether, awning, faucet, and laundry.
Due to the field trip on Friday, we will have our test on Thursday.

Have a great Spring Break!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Unit 9 Vocabulary

1. approach- to come close to; to begin to deal with ; to make a request
2. approve- to have a high opinion of; to give permission
3. glory- great honor or praise given by others; great beauty
4. magnificent- very grand and fine; remarkably beautiful or outstanding
5. meek- not courageous or strong
6. prompt on time; done quickly and without delay
7. revive- to bring or come back to life
8. tradition- a custom, belief, or idea that has been passed down over time
9. watchful- always noticing what is happening, aware
10. wreckage- what is left of something that is destroyed


message from teacherease

This Thursday, March 4, the Tulsa Historical Society will be presenting to the third grades. The presentation will take place in our classrooms. The Program is titled: Prairie Grove School 1898. If your child would like to dress in period clothing (Little HOuse on the Pairie) Thursday, they may. It is not a free dress, only dressing to fit the time period of the presentation is permitted. Please keep in mind they do have PE later that day.
Thank you Karey

Monday, March 1, 2010

Well it seems like Spring may actually be on its way. Hooray! Hooray! Please remember we will be going outside and students may need to bring a jacket with them to school.

The story for this week is "My Family in America" the words are homophones. The words are: to, too, two, week, weak, our, hour, stair, stare, flour, flower, write, right, new, knew, their, there, they're, weather and whether.

Have a great week!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


The story for this week is "Suki's Kimono". The words are: create, medium, piano, idea, radio, video, studio, violin, duo, patio, rodeo, pioneer, trio, stadium, audio, audience, radiate, cereal, Creole, and recreation.
We have also restarted Vocabulary. We are on unit 8.
The words and definitions are:
actual- happening in fact or reality.
brink- the edge; especially of a high, steep place.
chill- an unpleasant feeling of coldness.
conquer- to defeat or take over; master or overcome.
fortunate- having or bringing good luck, lucky.
fury- strong anger, rage.
intend- to plan to do something; to have a goal or purpose.
pattern- the way that shapes and colors are put together; a model or guide for making something; a design that is repeated.
vibrant- full of life, energy, or activity.
wit- the talent to describe things or people in a funny or unusual way; the ability to think clearly; a clever or amusing person.

The vocabulary test will be on Tuesday, March 2.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fly Eagle Fly

This week's story is Fly Eagle Fly, the words contain the vcccv pattern. The words are: monster, surprise, hundred, complete, control, sample, instant, inspect, pilgrim, contrast, explode, district, address, substance, children, merchant, embrace, purchase, curtsy, and contract.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Wow, it is going to be a fun filled week, don't forget all the activities for Catholic Schools Week. Tuesday will be wacky wear and Wednesday will be camo or red, white and blue. I can't wait to wear my camo pants!!!!!
Next week will be Iowa testing. We will not do a reading /spelling unit. Hopefully we will get finished in one week. This is my first year with third grade so we will have to play it by ear to see how long it takes.
The story this week is Gertrude Ederle, all the words contain suffixes. The words are: dentist, editor, artist, hostess, actress, swimmer, seller, tutor, tourist, organist, lioness, shipper, chemist, investor, conductor, announcer, pharmacist, journalist, commuter, and pianist.
Make it a great week!

Monday, January 25, 2010

I am sorry for not blogging last week. I actually thought I did, but apparently, I didn't.
The good news is the students did well on their spelling tests without it. Mrs. Randolph enjoyed being with the class, she had very complimentary things to say. I knew they were great kids, but it is always nice to hear it from someone else.
The story for the week is "Rocks in His Head". All the words contain prefixes. The words are:
prepaid, midnight, overflow, outdoors, outline, overgrown, prefix, Midwest, pretest, midpoint, outgoing, overtime, overdue, outside, outfield, precaution, prediction, midsection, overweight, and prehistoric.
Thank you all for you kind email about Mitch and his surgery. He is doing well and well on the road to recovery. Which is good news for me. I am glad to be a teacher, I would make a terrible nurse.

Monday, January 11, 2010

It seems we may actually thaw out. The students have been great about being inside. But I am sure they would love to be able to get some fresh air.
The story for this week is: "Wings" the words all are considered irregular plurals. The words are: wolves, knives, feet, men, children, women, sheep, heroes, scarves, mice, geese, cuffs, elves, banjos, halves, loaves, beliefs, tomatoes, potatoes, and tornadoes.
FYI- We will have a Math test either Friday or Monday over chapter 9.

Monday, January 4, 2010

WELCOME TO 2010!!!!

I hope you had a beautiful Christmas and enjoyed your time in the snow. Being a Tulsan for most of my life, this is the first real white Christmas I remember. What a treat.
The story for this week is "Volcanoes" and the words contain silent letters. The words are:
thumb, gnaw, written, know, climb, design, wrist, crumb, assign, wrench, knot, wrinkle, lamb, knob, knit, wrestler, bologna, cologne, honeycomb, and knickknack.
The collage for Charlotte's Web is due on Tuesday, January 12. Watch for the complete assignment to come home soon.